Information Management Systems
NECS’ Information Management Systems Group specializes in making companies more efficient with how they handle critical company data. We utilize technology to automate processes, enhance workflow and securely manage documents.
Discover how you can manage, audit, and store your documents for any length of time with our document management software solutions.
NECS' document management solutions, add value for our customers by reducing costs, enhancing security and compliance, and simplifying disaster recovery.
Contact us today for your expert, complimentary consultation.
Whether you have one employee with administrative duties or utilize a full staff for processing documents, SMB or global enterprise, our automation software will help you reduce and eliminate the manual processes associated with paper documents, allowing staff to be repurposed to more productive and efficient job functions.
Utilizing our automation software, your business will now be able to:
- Reduce paper and hard copy files
- Reduce manual data entry
- Regulate security and compliance
- Monitor document trail through your workflow
- Flag users when a task needs to be completed
- Streamline business processes
- Eliminate duplicate documents
- Integrate with your current technology
- Reduce overall operating costs
Our workflow software offerings, delivers any document, anywhere, anytime – including email. Securely organize, store and retrieve information with the snap of a finger. Control and manage information of any kind in an easy-to-use, easy-to-implement Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system.
Benefits of our system include:
- Unlimited Scalability
- Intelligent Search
- Custom Security Controls
- Efficient Collaboration
Paperless Information Capture & Workflow with Electronic Forms
Improving process efficiency and tightening information control is critical to many organizations, and they are turning to workflow, digital signatures and electronic forms from to complement their existing data management strategies.
E-forms enable companies to capture data digitally from the point of origin by collecting customer or employee information using electronic, web-based forms on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Document Scanning Solutions
Digitizing your company’s physical files and documents allows you to optimize your business processes, leverage your technology investments and more easily meet compliance requirements.
Our team will help you design the document scanning solution that’s right for you. Working together with you, we’ll ensure that your documents are scanned and delivered when you need them. Our document imaging experts will assess your imaging processes to make sure your information is protected every step of the way. Rely on Scan-Optics’ easy.forward™ Managed Capture Services for your office's workflow.
Managed Capture Solutions
Managed capture uses technology to pull the information from any of these original documents and convert it into quality, actionable data.
Easy.forward™ Managed Capture Service (MCS) powered by Scan-Optics is NECS' cloud-based paper to paperless solution, enabling the capture, classification, storage and retrieval of documents using browsers, scanners, MFPs and mobile devices anytime, anywhere. MCS transforms paper and electronic forms into data that flows into your software application in three simple steps and with NO DATA ENTRY.

Multi Functional Devices Solution (MFD)
Today’s smart MFDs allow us to extend and enhance capabilities by adding software directly to the machine.
- Securing your MFD (multifunction device) on your network (settings & protocols to harden your MFD)?
- What ports are open on your MFD?
- Securing data on the digital copier’s hard drive (Real Time or at EOL)?
- Limiting/controlling access to the copier by integrating Active Directory at the MFD?
- Using RFID or Magnetic swipe security cards to make accessing your MFD both secure and convenient?
- Who can: scan-to-email, scan-to-a-thumb drive, print securely, or access the MFDs Web page?
- Automatic updating of your copier’s firmware (security patches & bug fixes)
Let New England Copy Specialists consult with you to help right-size your company or organization’s copy/printing needs.
Mobile Printing Solutions
Mobile workers need access to printing and scanning from their devices and a one-size-fits-all solution doesn’t always work.
If your company is struggling with trying to set up a secure BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to work strategy that won’t compromise your network’s security, you need to talk to NECS.
Contact Us

Fax & Cloud Solutions
Every day millions of users at over five thousand companies worldwide rely on Biscom for secure and reliable document delivery solutions. Biscom pioneered the fax server and computer fax marketplaces with FAXCOM® and its award-winning fax management solutions. Since then, Biscom has developed expertise and solutions around secure file transfer, synchronization, file translation, and mobile devices, designed to delivery mission-critical reliability, streamline workflows and reduce costs to developing innovative content delivery solutions for the world’s largest organizations.
Biscom’s FAXCOM fax solutions are streamlined, integrated systems that support the most advanced enterprise faxing needs by delivering:
- Powerful management capabilities for better tracking and reporting.
- Multiple user interfaces including web and desktop faxing, email integration and mobile apps.
- Rule-based fax routing to automate workflows.
- Secure inboxes support user authentication, image encryption, transaction logging, and archiving.
- Seamless integration with existing applications and workflows.
- Ability to meet or exceed security and compliance issues.
Biscom’s Cloud Fax Office Edition gives you the basics of email to fax, Outlook integration, web interface and MFD scan to fax. Biscom’s Cloud Fax Enterprise Edition delivers all of the advanced features of Biscom’s industry-leading FAXCOM Enterprise Fax technology to automate fax workflows, support regulatory compliance and integrate with FAXCOM on-premises fax servers for fail-over and peak load processing.
(SFT) is a web-based solution that replaces insecure FTP and email to send and share files all while being easy enough for end users to operate without IT involvement. With Biscom Secure File transfer you can:
- Share large and confidential files
- Create quick ad-hoc collaborative workspaces
- Use as a secure email solution
- Receive notifications when your files are accessed
- Reduce your Exchange server mailbox size by re-routing attachments through Biscom SFT