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5 Reasons for Updating Your Printer or Copier | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content

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5 Reasons for Updating Your Printer or Copier

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5 Reasons for Updating Your Printer or Copier

September 15, 2023  |  NECS

Have you been back and forth about updating your printer or copier lately? Maybe this device has been the “old-reliable” for some time, and the idea of parting with it is hard for your team. On the other hand, maybe it’s just that there isn’t time in your busy schedule to research new devices. Whatever the reason may be, sometimes the devices you rely on have their own way of telling you it’s time to upgrade.

While it might be daunting, getting a new device can be the best thing for your team. New technology can improve your workflows, boost productivity, and better morale. Your print device is the central hub for a lot of your team’s tasks, and as such it should be treated as an important member of your team.

Listening to your team is essential, which means paying attention to the signs that your technology is no longer meeting their needs. Wondering what signs you should be looking out for? Here are five reasons you should update your printer or copier.

1: Interruptive Breakdowns of Print Devices

There’s nothing worse than experiencing an unexpected malfunction with your technology. Any time there’s a technological issue, your team gets set back and will experience a halt in productivity. This will cost you time and money.

Printer technician fixing a printer breakdown

When people have their workflows interrupted, it creates a swarm of problems. As your main source of information flow in the office, your printer is essential to keeping people on task and ensuring you meet deadlines. If you are experiencing more breakdowns than usual, this is a sure sign that it’s time to upgrade your device.

2: Poor Device Performance

Did your device used to produce prints quickly and efficiently but is now struggling to get even one page printed? Decreases in performance are yet another indicator that your device is outdated. With the latest improvements to technology, printers and copiers are seeing serious upgrades to their speeds and functionalities. The older your device is, the further behind on the times it’s getting. This is especially noticeable when it comes to your ppm (pages per minute).

A lower ppm will have similar consequences as breakdowns. Each second longer that it takes to print a page is a moment that could have been spent on other assignments. Poor performance is costly, and those precious seconds wasted add up quickly!

3: Outdated Technology Leaves You Vulnerable to Cyberattack

As the years pass, new threats to security pop up. Cybercriminals get cleverer and learn new ways to exploit security vulnerabilities. One of the links that’s most often missed in the chain of secure technology practices is your office printer. People often forget that these devices can connect to the internet, mobile phones, and computers on your network. It stands to reason then that the older a printer is, the more outdated its security measures will be.

It's a costly gamble to continue using a device that’s past its prime. Printers and copiers see important information passing through them on the daily—everything from emails to quotes with client information on it. One breach could cost your team time, cause customers to lose faith in you, and could even see your whole business shut down.

4: Missing the Functionalities Your Team Needs

Just as is the case with security, older printers are lacking in imperative functionalities. As teams are now more likely to be spread out between offices, with many opting for hybrid or remote work options, you’ll need to rely more on technology to keep you connected. Older printers or copiers are unlikely to have mobile or cloud print options. Even the ones that do could be missing features such as on-screen document editing.

When you upgrade your device, you’re also upgrading your workflows! With the latest functionalities, your team can improve their collaboration. Mobile and cloud connectivity ensures that people in your organization can continue to work together no matter what office they’re working out of. More efficient functionalities can also improve your relationships with clients especially for those in the financial, legal, and healthcare industries. You will have the option to securely send essential documents to colleagues and clients quickly and with less hassle.

5: Maintenance and Supplies Costs Are Too High

The older your device is the harder it will be to find cost-effective parts, supplies, and maintenance. When newer devices are released, the oldest devices’ stock are often culled from a company’s product offerings. This allows enterprises to make room in their own stores and supply buildings for the newer stock, while also ensuring their technicians won’t be wasting valuable time working on clunky old machines.

Man scouring for outdated printer parts

While you might still see the odd few parts, inks, or toners floating around on the market, eventually these will become harder to track down. One day, you might severely need a specific part to keep your machine running and it won’t be there. Should this happen, you will end up experiencing everything we’ve listed above and more! It can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you, but in truth the signs that it was time to upgrade were probably there a lot earlier. 

Finding the perfect device that will match the needs of your team can be stressful, and it’s definitely not a decision to make without research and assistance. Our team knows the specific needs of businesses in various industries, from education to government, and we’re more than happy to offer guidance. If you’re not sure whether it’s time to upgrade or not, consider speaking with one of our print experts for guidance.

The NECS team can offer you affordable devices that will drastically improve your organization’s practices while not breaking your budget. Whether it’s leasing or purchasing, we can set you up with the best device for your business!

Reach out today to speak with one of our print specialists.



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