Business Has Shifted, But The Way You Work Hasn’t Caught Up
December 13, 2019 | NECS
Whether you choose to embrace it or not (yet), the mobile workstyle is here, and it’s growing. Many companies now offer employees flextime and opportunities to work remotely, but while this trend is proven to be good for all those involved, it presents an entirely new set of problems for your IT department.
How do you secure access to company information when your employees aren’t connected to the office network? Short answer: it’s nearly impossible.
From laptops and tablets to phones and watches, we use a huge variety of computing devices every day to get our work done. But your IT team can’t secure it all for every employee, and devices get turned over more quickly today than ever before.
So, what can you do?
Start where your business is most at risk: remote printing. Printers are a cybercriminal’s favorite entry point because they’re often overlooked and left wide open, especially if they’re more than five years old. When was the last time you updated your home printer? Your employees are no different... yikes.
Instead of trying to secure home offices in the traditional way, you need to re-think how your employees work with a printing solution that matches the modern workstyle.
Mobile printing solutions can be deployed through the Cloud and updated automatically. There is no need for a specific device driver or to be on the office network. Thus, solving the most common security challenge your IT team faces with remote workers. In addition, centralized fleet and user controls make remote printing manageable.
From a user experience standpoint, a mobile printing solution lets your employees release jobs in just one click. The difference? You can rest assured knowing the data transfer is secure no matter where they are.
It’s almost 2020. If your business has started to adapt to changing workstyles, you need remote print security. We’ve had great success with HP’s Roam—contact an NECS specialist today to learn more.