We Bet Your Paper Documents Can’t Do This
August 23, 2019 | NECS
Let’s make a bet! We bet your current document storage solution can’t do 3 of the 5 following things:
- Find a file in less than 10 seconds
- Determine who has access to each individual document
- Be stored for less than $100/month in-office or offsite
- Easily recover from a disaster like a burglary, flood, or fire
- Improve your overall workflow
Wait, you can’t do ANY of these things with your current system? We can help!
If you can’t find a file in less than 10 seconds, how long does it take you? 10 minutes? Do you then involve coworkers to help you search through old emails or hard drives to locate it? Don’t think about a document storage solution in terms of a monthly cost, think of it in terms of wasted time employees spend searching. Time is money.
There’s also the compliance issues. Think about tax audits, personal information of employees and customers. Document Management and storage is not just nice to have, sometimes it's a legal requirement.
Every year you’re losing a lot more than you think by keeping your paper document storage system as is.
Backlog Conversion Services are the answer.
Easily retrieve information, customize security and compliance, save thousands on storage costs, protect yourself from disaster, AND improve your overall workflow—all by digitizing your files. To get started, you need to scan and index all your paper documents. We know you don’t have time to do that, but NECS’ Information Management Group can help.
We’ll pick up, index, and return your files to get you moving in the right direction. Then, using a secure cloud storage system, we’ll give you access to your documents wherever and whenever you need them. That’s something your paper documents will NEVER be able to do.
Interested? Get a FREE document management consultation when you contact an NECS expert today.