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How to Know if You’re Paying Too Much For Your Office Printers | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content

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How to Know if You’re Paying Too Much For Your Office Printers

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How to Know if You’re Paying Too Much For Your Office Printers

September 20, 2019  |  NECS

There’s something your employees have seen in your office, but they shouldn’t have… a piece of paper taped to a printer with the words “NOT WORKING” written on it in black Sharpie. The job was sent, they made the journey, and now they have to return to their desk, empty-handed until further notice (if any notice is given at all).

Meanwhile, there’s something hiding in the cupboard. It’s expired and reached the end of its useful life—it’s your stash of old toner cartridges. It’s not the kind you’re out of and can’t remember if you ordered last week.

Situations like these are key indicators that you’re currently paying too much for your office printers. Here’s why.

You don’t have consistency. What we really mean is reliability across devices and the lack thereof that leads to unforeseen costs. Costs that are largely overlooked because most businesses don’t consider the print environment as a whole. Instead, they often keep older printers going (with sporadic critical repairs) simply because they aren’t fully broken yet. This is the wrong approach if you’re looking to save costs.

You can get more out of fewer devices by optimizing your fleet with the help of a Data Collection Agent (DCA) and a Managed Print Service (MPS) assessment.

You experience too much downtime. Devices in your print fleet shouldn’t remain out of order for more than a day or two. When employees can’t complete their work and that trickles down to others, the end cost to your business increases. You can determine a reasonable response window with your MPS provider to ensure you never have to wait on tech support again. Keep in mind, frustrated employees are not productive employees.

Your current approach is reactive. You think you order supplies, parts, and service when you need them—what you actually do is order them after you’ve run out or encountered a technical error. Now you have to wait for them to be delivered or for your spot in the service queue to come up. An MPS provider will actively monitor your DCA to ensure you’re always ahead when it comes to supplies and service.

If you can relate to all or some of these situations, you’re currently paying too much for your office printers. A Managed Print Service agreement can help. It includes everything you need to maintain your print fleet under a single invoice. 

Contact an NECS Managed Print Specialist today to learn more.



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