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Solve Your Paper Document Storage Problems with this Simple System | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content

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Solve Your Paper Document Storage Problems with this Simple System

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Solve Your Paper Document Storage Problems with this Simple System

April 12, 2019  |  NECS

Would your business’ essential data survive burglary? Flood? Fire? Maybe you store backups off-site, but what is that costing you year after year? And how long does it take you to locate a paper document whether in office or off-site? Are you always successful in finding what you’re looking for?

Let’s look at the first option. Currently, you store your paper documents on-site only. Well, you might be surprised that 56% of North American businesses do not have a disaster recovery plan (Storage Craft). That’s more than half of all companies unprotected, and the aftermath is often devastating. Essential and competitive data, employee records, medical history, etc., all stored on paper. Don’t be part of this statistic.

If you fall into the latter category, you are slightly more protected, however, the average monthly cost of a self-storage unit in the U.S. is $88.85 (Spare Foot). That’s $1,066.20 each year for an ineffective system. Why would you pay more in the long run for something that actually hinders your workflow? It doesn’t make sense.

Whatever your current practice, effective management of critical company data needs to be a priority.

If you have filing cabinets or a storage unit overflowing with paper documents, NECS has the solution: an Information Management System (IMS). We’ll pick up, index, and return your files. From now on, let us manage, audit, and store your documents for you, digitally, and provide you with secure access anytime, anywhere.  


To recap, digitizing your company files will:

  1.   Increase your ability to recover from a disaster  
  2.   Optimize your business processes
  3.   Easily meet compliance requirements
  4.   Fully leverage your technology investments


Contact an NECS expert today for a complimentary document management solution consultation.



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