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What We Can Learn from the CyberNews Hacking | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content

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What We Can Learn from the CyberNews Hacking

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What We Can Learn from the CyberNews Hacking

September 03, 2020  |  NECS

Man hacking a printer from laptop computerIn August, cybersecurity experts at CyberNews conducted an experiment on 50,000 open printers—a sample of the 500,000 successful targets found. Using a custom script, the team was able to access and print from 27,944 devices. What does this tell us? Our printers are still not being properly locked down.

Most companies care about security, but the level of attention that is given to networks and computers isn’t given to printers, despite the fact that they are connected to both and can act as a backdoor to company data. If you want to learn more about this threat, you can listen to the webinar, “Are You Leaving This Window Open for Hackers,” with our own VP of Network Solutions, Vince McHugh.

So, what can we learn from the CyberNews hacking? Choosing a printer is a security decision.

Our advice to you is rather than work backwards by trying to secure your equipment one device at a time, choose the printer that can protect itself. HP has the most secure printers in the world and their enterprise-class devices are protected on four levels, none of which require human intervention. 

Watch Our Live Demo of HP Connection Inspector 

Connection Inspector is just one embedded security feature standard in HP Enterprise devices. With 11% of security incidents reported by organizations last year being print-related (Quocirca, 2019), it’s clear that basic security protocols, like firewalls, are no longer enough.

Now is the time to lock down your printers and keep company data safe. Contact us today to learn more about print security and enterprise devices from HP.



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