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Why You Need to Trust Your Equipment Provider | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content

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Why You Need to Trust Your Equipment Provider

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Why You Need to Trust Your Equipment Provider

July 26, 2019  |  NECS

You might want to sit down for this one. We’ll start with the good news. A copier lease is finite, so you’re only locked in forever if you sit idly by and renew year after year. The bad news? Your current agreement may contain important and potentially expensive renewal details that make it difficult to end the lease and move to another provider.

These details can include long, drawn-out, and binding processes, plus a number of various fees, all with the ultimate goal of making you stay with your current provider, even if a better option exists.   

Consider the following:

  • Do you know your notice period? How long is that window open?
  • Have you experienced price escalations? What’s stopping them from going up again?
  • What will the value of your assets be at lease end? Did you make the right decision?

Ready for some good news again? We’ve got three tips to help you moving forward.

Tip #1: Be Proactive.

Whether you signed your equipment lease yesterday or months ago, it is expiring, and before you know it, your renewal date will be here. Most copier lease agreements require formal, written requests to suspend services. You’d be amazed at how many outdated equipment agreements live on, solely because the end-user didn’t give proper or enough notice to their provider. Don’t be reminded by the renewal contract or invoice in the mail. This is your reminder… review it now!

Tip #2: Read the Fine Print.

You’ve signed a legal contract with your current provider. How much time did they spend making sure you understood the terms of your agreement? Not much? That’s not surprising. Items such as equipment handling and returns are often vague, and almost always, you are the one responsible. The associated fees and insurance costs are just the tip of the iceberg. Your current provider may also be hiding cancellation process inefficiencies from you. Make sure you understand exactly what you got yourself into.

Tip #3: Don’t Let it Happen Again.

If you’ve decided your current equipment provider is not doing you a service, make sure your new provider will. At NECS, our specialists are sensitive to your transition–we’ve done it more times than we can count. That’s why we choose to take complete care of our customers, starting with a free assessment of your current lease agreement. 

If switching to a new provider sounds complicated, it can be, but we’ve been in business since 1965 and can help you understand your options. Email or call us today at (800) 321-6327 to learn more.



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