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How to Prepare for the Continuation of Remote Work | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content
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How to Prepare for the Continuation of Remote Work

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How to Prepare for the Continuation of Remote Work

August 12, 2020  |  NECS

Mature woman working from home on laptop computerIf you haven’t already done so, now is the time to talk to your team about working remotely. Ask them what’s working, but more importantly, ask them what isn’t. Go beyond their general response and dig into the specifics of their day-to-day—how are they accomplishing work at home and how is it different from the office?

An open and honest dialogue is the approach many companies are taking as they move forward into their “next normal” phase of business, but there will be a few roadblocks that arise from these conversations. A recent survey revealed that 22% of remote employees need to go into the office to access paper files that are not available digitally (“US Remote Work Survey,” 2020).

You can fix that, and we can help.

By enabling technology, software, and/or services, your team can have the tools they need to work like they’re at the office even when they’re at home. Consider the challenge mentioned above. How do you provide access to information that is stored in printed documents? You scan them.

Man scanning document on multifunction printer

Any workflow-enabled MFP from HP can use the Capture and Route functionality to index, categorize, and link scanned files to existing records and make them available to authorized users. It is a particularly helpful solution for offices with a lot of incoming mail like those in higher education, but it requires hardware and someone to do the scanning.

If you want to avoid handling physical mail and the associated labor costs, Scanoptics Digital Mailroom is a great option because your mail is either delivered to a processing center, redirected to a monitored USPS post office box, or picked up at your location. It is then digitized and stored for your team to access later.

In addition to technology and software, you can also hire a local backlog conversion service provider like NECS’ own Information Management Systems (IMS) Group. We’ll pick up, scan, and return (or destroy) your files, and give you 24/7 access to a cloud storage system with built-in security and specified authorizations.

Whether part or full-time, remote work is here to stay. If you’d like more information on any of the solutions discussed, please use the form below. 

Contact us today to learn more about scanning solutions for your remote team.




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